Cornwall Walking Football 

Cornwall Walking Football 


News and Updates 

8 Nov 2022

Calling all women players!

The Troon Tigresses are the only Women's Walking Football club in Cornwall and they are looking for more players. 

"We are playing in a tournament in Kidderminster in February and in the South West Women's Walking Football League in the spring. We desperately need more players to strengthen our squad. 

We play mixed Football on Wednesday and ladies only or mixed Walking Football on Fridays...come and join us! First session is free 😀⚽"

For details see the Troon AFC Walking Football site at 



Find them on Facebook 

7 Nov 2022

League Finals 

Congratulations to the winners and participants of the first Cornwall Walking Football League Finals Day supported by the FA and AgeUK  👍🏻⚽

8 Aug 2022
22 Jul 2022


Walking Football Research

Hi everyone! My name’s Gareth Thomas and I’m a researcher based at the Cardiff University School of Social Sciences ( I am about to start a study looking how people became involved in walking football, what they think about it and why they do it, and what the benefits and shortcomings (if any) are. I am looking for people based in the UK to take part in a one-off interview and have permission from Ken Davies to contact you (thank you, Ken).

Interviews are audio-recorded and expected to last about 30-40 minutes. It can be carried out online (Zoom or equivalent) or in-person, if you live near the Cardiff area. You will have over 24 hours to consider participation, you can withdraw from the interview or study at any time up until an agreed deadline, you can stop the audio-recorder at any time, and you can avoid answering certain questions. Participation should be at no financial cost to you. Your decision of whether to take part or not will also have no impact on your participation in walking football. Participation is entirely voluntary! I can provide more information on data protection and what happens to the produced data too. 

Please message me on Facebook ( or email me (at if you are interested in taking part. I’m happy to answer any other questions that you have. Thanks for reading this post and I hope you choose to take part!

All the best, 


1 Jul 2022

Your chance to shape the future of Walking Football in the UK!

We received this exciting opportunity this week and want to open it up to the whole of Cornwall's Walking Football community...

Dear Cornwall Walking Football,

Thank you for taking the time to read this email, we would value your support, let me explain why.

Headline: The FA has recently commissioned Firstfruits Services Ltd to carry out a Walking Football Competition Review. Our role as an independent party is to develop key learnings and recommendations aligned to the below objectives.

The main objectives of this review are:

To better understand the competition delivery landscape (i.e. the key stakeholders and the roles they play)

To understand the optimal structure to deliver high quality competition at a local, regional and national level.

We would value your input and support:

We’re hoping to speak to key stakeholders in the Walking Football community, specifically those who are involved in organising regional and national competitions. We would value some time with you.

Click Here to complete a survey or contact Luke at the email above. 

4 May 2022

New FA Laws of the Game 

1 May 2022

Troon AFC Walking Football Tournament 

Troon AFC Walking Football hosted a successful Walking Football Tournament on 1st May. 

The event was attended by teams from Cornwall, Devon and Wales!

Check out their website for more information. 

Troon AFC Walking Football 

28 Feb 2022
30 Dec 2021

Ladies Walking Football 

To all our female players....

The WFA are holding trials in the 40s 50s and 60s age groups (this means for anyone aged 40+) for regional and national levels. The trials will be at Weston super mare on January 22nd. 

If you're interested please contact your club to have your name put forward or contact Tim directly on

For full details please read the email below, which we received from the WFA today....

"The Southern Region of the WFA has been offered a facility that they can use for our first training day and I would like the over 40s, 50s and 60s ladies squad to attend and accordingly have selected several existing players for the day, and it will form part of the regional selection trialling exercise also, and that it where I want clubs in the region to come in.

Just so you know we have a vision within the WFA that players at club level have two options – play club football and keep enjoying it. however, we know that there are aspirational clubs and players who want to “challenge themselves to do better” – both are valid in my opinion!

So, we are only interested in those that can, and want, to progress to a higher standard. If you have players who meet this criterion would you ben kind enough to pass on their name, position and email address in order that I can invite them to the training day please?

The vision sees players that want representative football to try to get into the regional squads (there are three over the country – North, Midlands and South), once you get into your regional side you will then be “on the radar” of the national manager and could earn international call ups!!

The training event is being held on Saturday, 22nd of January at Weston Super Mare FC (on AstroTurf) and I want all players there for 1pm, the session will be for the women's 40s, 50s & 60s – who will be coached as a group and in age-based teams and the session will be match play too). We have the facility until 6pm so it may be an opportunity to travel in groups (to save money), but some players are already choosing to stay over (team bonding) for the evening.

This is a genuine opportunity for players who want to progress (possibly to national level) to meet that aspiration, but the standard will be high so please only recommend payers who genuinely will represent your club well on a regional (and national) level.

Let me know if you have any players who can make it please and I will send a formal invite.

Once I get conformation of attendance availability I will announce the attendee listing, so players can share travel if required."

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